Manage your postal mail, packages and more. Online 24/7 from anywhere.
April 3rd, 2018 by VK GuptaA NEW SERVICE FOR NEW TIMES We have become a mobile society and want to stay connected and manage our lives digitally on demand—any time and from anywhere. In addition, many of us seek increased privacy and security for personal mail, address and phone. With this in mind, we have partnered with iPostal1 to offer you the convenience and advantages of Digital Mailbox service, with monthly plans beginning at $9.99. It’s a whole new way to manage your mail and more, all in one place.
- Get your own mailbox address at our store
- Manage your mail 24/7 using any computer, tablet or smart phone
- Receive notification of new mail
- Scan, read and store documents
- Forward mail and packages
- Add a phone and deposit checks